
dotnet add package AspNetCore.Pulse.AzureDigitalTwin --version 8.0.4

This health check can check the Digital Twin:

  • liveness connection status.
  • state of the model definition
  • status of an instance

With all of the following examples, you can additionally add the following parameters:

  • name: The health check name.
    Default for liveness if not specified is azuredigitaltwin.
    Default for model state if not specified is azuredigitaltwinmodels.
    Default for model state if not specified is azuredigitaltwininstance.
  • failureStatus: The HealthStatus that should be reported when the health check fails. Default is HealthStatus.Unhealthy.
  • tags: A list of tags that can be used to filter sets of health checks.
  • timeout: A System.TimeSpan representing the timeout of the check.

How to install

You can download the latest version from nuget packages:

Through Visual Studio:

Install-Package AspNetCore.Pulse.AzureDigitalTwin

Or through CLI:

dotnet add package AspNetCore.Pulse.AzureDigitalTwin

Digital Twin Liveness Health Check

This health check provides the liveness status for the Azure Digital Twin resource client connection.

Example Usage

You can add health check with the default client arguments…

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

… or with the service client credentials flow that you want:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    ServiceClientCredentials myCredentials = <my_credentials_flow>;

Digital Twin Model Health Check

This health check receives a list of models ids, and check if the Digital Twin has all models match with them. If the health check detect an out of sync models return the data with those elements:

  • unregistered: those models that exist in model definition but not in the Digital Twin

Example Usage

C# Configuration:

You can also add health check with the default client arguments…

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            new string[] { "my:dt:definition_a;1", "my:dt:definition_b;1", "my:dt:definition_c;1" })

… or with the token credentials flow that you want:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    TokenCredentials myCredentials = <my_credentials_flow>;
            new string[] { "my:dt:definition_a;1", "my:dt:definition_b;1", "my:dt:definition_c;1" },
            failureStatus: HealthStatus.Degraded)

Failure status response:

    unregistered: [ "my:dt:definition_b;1" ]
  description: "The digital twin is out of sync with the models provided",
  duration: "00:00:17.6056085",
  exception: null,
  status: 1,
  tags: [ "ready" ]

Digital Twin Instance Health Check

This health check returns the status of a given instance.

Example Usage

C# Configuration:

You can also add health check with the default client arguments…

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

… or with the token credentials flow that you want:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    TokenCredentials myCredentials = <my_credentials_flow>;